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Free S/MIME certificate (comodo secure email)

Of course, honest citizens have nothing to hide. However, you will agree that it is unpleasant when personal or confidential information becomes available to someone else. Modern mail clients support wonderful S/MIME. We can take advantage of this function in order not to send mail on the Internet as postcards.

To do this, we will do the following steps:

[1] You can get free s/mime certificate for your email with this url:


[2] Then carefully fill out the form, come up and remember/write your new recovery password:

[3] Then to the specified email address we receive a message with the subject “Confirm Your Subscription to COMODO Information & Newsletter“. The email confirmation link, which in the letter, needs to be opened in the browser in which you initialized the registration. After confirmation, the certificate must be saved in the repository.

[4] Then in your favorite browser (I have a chromium in the screenshot), you need to extract the received certificate to use it in the mail client:
3    4

[5] As you can see in the pictures, in the settings you need select “show additional settings” and find the “certificate management” section, select the certificate from comodo certificate and export it.


Everything, now you can embed in email clients.

p.s. You must export the entire certificate tree, and, possibly, the private key.

How quickly make a blog on WordPress?

Only few steps need to install wordpress on clean / new server.

[Step 1] Choose a domain name for your blog.

This step includes think of a name and choose a domain name registrar provider.
Comparing domain registrars, we must remember that cheap does not always mean really cheap. It may be an extension of 2-year is much more expensive. Maybe it is necessary to order additional services such as hosting.

[Step 2] Choose and install a CMS for your blog.

I chose between Drupal and WordPress. Because I already dealt with Drupal 6th and 7th version, I decided to extend the experience and install WordPress. I’m going to start and start discover wordpress. Next, follow the instructions to put the engine on your web server (I prefer Debian GNU / Linux as the platform).

cd /var/www/

(current version at the official wordpress site is always available via the link or

tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz
mv wordpress

[Step 3] Now – create MySQL database:

mysql -u root -p
 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON blogdb.* TO "user"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "pass";

Do not forget to set up connection for the WordPress, as indicated in its manual (it is clear that the name of the database, database user name and password you need to specify your own).

[Step 4] After that edit Apache config:

nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/mynewblog.conf

Add here:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot /var/www/ 
 <Directory "/var/www/">
   AllowOverride All
   Order deny,allow
   Allow from all
   AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php .html

Graciously ask Apache to reread configuration files:

apachectl graceful

[Step 5] What is the result?

Now you may follow url, like and customize the interface of the CMS under your new blog needs.

P.S. For better security of your web server, you can configure Apache to run as a different user:

# install multiuser MPM for Apache
aptitude install apache2-mpm-itk

# change wordpress filse owner
chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/www/

# permit wp-content directory writing privileges to group
chmod -R g+w /var/www/

Then add in the Apache config file the following lines (and restart it again):

<Directory "/var/www/">
  AssignUserID www-data nogroup