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How to install and configure owncloud on debian

As we see in -> install – there are several options for installation – an archive file, a web installer and packages for various systems.

I decided to install the package to be able to put updates and to automatically satisfying the dependencies.
For Debian 7.0, you must first run the following commands (as root, of course):

Добавим ключ репозитория:
apt-key add - < Release.key

Enable the repository, update the information about the packages and install:
echo 'deb /' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/owncloud.list
aptitude update
aptitude install owncloud

(you can use apt-get instead of aptitude)

As I thought – quite a lot of packages were in dependencies, so this is the best way to install ownCloud.

There are a few simple steps left:
1. Go to http://your-server/ownCloud
2. Set a password and login for the administrator
3. It is best to specify the folder when installing, where all the data will be – specifically create such a folder in the right place on the server and make web user the owner of it.

mkdir /home/backup/ownCloudData
chown www-data: /home/backup/ownCloudData

4. It is usually recommended to create a user and database in Mysql. But this is for large installations. In my case, this was necessary for several people, so the sqlite database is sufficient.

5. it’s all!

How to monitor mysql queries

Sometimes, you need to figure out which request comes from cms / cmf or another script to the Mysql server.
For example, I had to deal with the jqgrid-php library. It was unclear which query comes to the mysql server from the script.

You can, of course, install and configure mysql-proxy, but there is a simpler solution:

1. Login to Mysql-server as mysql admin (root) user.

2. Set where to write the log:
set global general_log_file='/tmp/mysql_query.log';

3. Enable log:
set global general_log = 1;

4. Run your scripts

5. Turn it off so it does not clog the server
set global general_log = 0;

6. Analyze the log:
less /tmp/mysql_query.log

7. it’s all!

SMTP PTR error ipv6 authentication error (Vesta CP with Exim)

I tried to send an email to gmail on my Debian server (with the Vesta panel installed). I received this error:

 SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
 host [2a00:1450:400c:c01::1b]:
 550-5.7.1 [2001:41d0:8:e974::1] Our system has detected that this message does
 550-5.7.1 not meet IPv6 sending guidelines regarding PTR records and
 550-5.7.1 authentication. Please review
 550-5.7.1 for more

Thus, I need to add a PTR record for my ipv6 address. However, not all providers provide such an opportunity. The easiest way to solve this issue is by disabling ipv6 in the mail system.

First, I checked:

netstat -tulpn | grep :25
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      17919/exim4     
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      17919/exim4     
tcp6       0      0 :::25                   :::*                    LISTEN      17919/exim4     
tcp6       0      0 :::2525                 :::*                    LISTEN      17919/exim4

Then I opened Exim configuration file:

nano /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template

I put a ban on ipv6 (disable_ipv6 = true) before the begin acl section as shown below:

#                       ACL CONFIGURATION                            #
#         Specifies access control lists for incoming SMTP mail      #

# disable ipv6

begin acl

Then I saved the changes and restarted Exim:

/etc/init.d/exim4 restart


netstat -tulpn | grep :25
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      18286/exim4     
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      18286/exim4

all is ready!